Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's almost heart day...

My dear sister in law Jenny asked me to update my blog before Brian and I leave for Duke today.

For those of you that don't friday, my hubby has to have a procedure done on his heart at Duke (kind of like the "Mayo Clinic" of the South). It's a long story and I don't quite know how to explain it but in April before I broke my leg, Brian was hospitalized for his heart (rythym problems)...they tried to do a procedure to fix the problem, but when they went in to do it, they realized he high risk (one of very few people that have this "extra problem") so they treated it w/meds for the last 2 years instead of fixing it (cuz it was too risky - if they nick the thing that is too close to the thing they have to fix, he'll have to get a pace maker). Unfortunately it started acting up again (racing heart beat, slow heart beat...very tiring), so we will go to Duke for them to do the procedure again and the director of this specialty will do it. Today we will drive up there (2.5 hrs away) and then tomorrow we have pre-op doc appointments etc. Then next friday is the big day...6:30am on Feb keep Brian in your prayers...he's a little worried, but I'm sure things will be fine.

So in honor of Brian's heart and valentine's day's a few more pics from our little photo shoot w/the boys from this weekend...enjoy and leave comments...i love comments :)


Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

Thanks for the post! It was so much more than I was expecting w/ all those adorable photos of those cute nephews.

Brian's in my prayers!

Gigi said...

Brian will be in our family prayers as well. Good luck at Duke.