Sunday, February 17, 2008

Music & Pics

So, I'm editing a ton of sessions today and was getting a little bored...not with the pictures, but just because I was bored with my music. I got some new speakers the other day for my computer, which I loooooove (the other ones have been dead for a few months and I love to work while listening to music)....

So spur of the moment...I just bought these 2 albums on I-Tunes..Madonna and Michael Jacson...does that make me a dork? haha

I'm pretty sure I bought this Madonna album about 15+ years ago, but I think Diana ended up with

And this one is People Magazines fault...they had an article in there about Thriller's 25th anniversary I looked to see what was on it and I wasn't thrilled about all of the songs, but then found this's got every awesome MJ song on it....

Diana & Edwin and Mom & I took a short trip downtown yesterday to take some fun pics...unfortunately the weather was not was cold and VEEERRRY windy, but we still managed to get a few. I had been wanting some for my website and Diana just wanted to book me because I'm getting so darn popular :) I can't wait to take a saturday afternoon and go out w/just my sis and find some cool new locations....soooooon I hope!!!

Here's one of my favorite pics from our short little session...Diana says it doesn't look like her without her glasses but I think it is GORGEOUS!! Hot mama!

Here's my other favorite because it looks like she's just hangin out and of course, wearing her glasses :)'s a couple of me....Diana did a great job...I'm working on training her to be my assistant that eventually we can do this full time (wouldn't that be awesome??) She is really good at posing people and she's catching on quick to the technical stuff too....I'm definitely much more comfortable behind the camera, but these don't look half bad :) Oh and notice the colors on my jacket? Do they remind you of logo colors?!? Smart eh?

And pic of Edwin and Diana (sort of) was way too cold for him so we only took him out of the stroller this one time...

I'll let Diana share some of the other pics....

Now I'm off to proof some more sessions before Edwin gets here....Diana and Ed are going on a date tonight and we get to keep little man over!

ETA: Ok I am a definitely a dork...I was looking to see if anybody had commented (thank you Jenny :)) and realized I hadn't posted the 2nd picture of me...I thought I uploaded it but maybe I didn' here ya go...


Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

You guys look great. Must be getting hang of the camera...LOL.

Katie said...

Oh yea...i'ts totally the camera :)

Gigi said...

Nice pics!

Also I do not think picking music that we grew up with makes you a dork (although Anthony may think that you are a dork in about 10 years, most of us do not ;))

Pappy Dave said...

Damn I have some good looking kids or what???