Thursday, August 21, 2008

Where has the time gone??

I can't believe it. The time has come for my baby to go to Kindergarten. He will start on Monday, August 25th at 8:05am at St Mark Catholic School. Tonight, we went to the Open House where he got to meet his teacher, bring all of his school supplies in, do a scavenger hunt in the classroom (and get a sucker), have ice cream at the ice cream social for the whole school and then we stayed for the new family meeting. Anthony will be in a class of 19 students and his teacher is Ms. Nolan. There is also a full time aid/assistant and her name is Ms. Gateau. They are both super nice and I'm so excited for them to be teaching my little boy. When we met Ms. Nolan, I told her that I was a professional photographer and I would love to help out any time she wants pictures taken in her class - for any projects, etc. Her eyes got big with excitement and she said.."Do you want to come on Monday?!?" So Mommy will be going to Anthony's 1st day of school too. So there will be plenty of pictures from that day. He goes half days next week and they start full days on Tuesday, Sept 2nd. We have been so blessed spiritually and financially and I'm so glad Anthony will get a great education at SMCS where it's ok to talk about God in the classroom! I didn't take many pics tonight, but here's a few....

Here he is with Miss Nolan...


Here he is with Ms. Gateau...she said the kids will just call her Ms. G


Here's a peek at the classroom. I love how there are so many bright colors...







Diana said...

Ok, this is just weird. Anthony is going to school!!!!! His classroom looks awesome, and I'm sure he'll learn lots. Wow. School. Weird...

Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

What are Anthony's feelings about starting school? Is he excited? Does he know any of the kids?

Katie said...

Anthony is excited and he doesn't really know any of the kids..but we know one of the boys so we introduced them last night...I'm sure they'll be good buddies.

Life Glimpsed: The Denglers said...

school - very cool - and even cooler that he has no front teef when he's starting. can't wait to see the pictures after monday :)