Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Family Time

  One of my favorite things to do in the summer is have the family over for dinner and/or go in the pool. So yesterday it had been in the 90s....and we invited Mom, Dad, Diana & Edwin to come over to go for a dip in the pool and then we grilled out some steaks. It was so much fun. The weather was so perfect...there was a breeze that kicked up and the humidity started dropping and it was just so awesome.  We went in the pool first, then had dinner....then we played with Anthony and Edwin in the yard....then Ed got done with work so he came over for a steak and while he was eating and working on installing his new car stereo (not at the same time..haha)...Diana, Mom, Anthony, Edwin and I took a stroll down the road and ran into Grandma Judy. We stopped and looked at the pics from their week long cruise a couple of weeks ago and then we came home to shoot off a couple of fireworks (to see what Edwin thought of them in preparation for Friday) and then everyone headed home. I can't even explain what a great night it was even though it was so simple. I just feel so blessed to have such an awesome family and nights like these are just priceless. So I've been swamped with work but I took some time to take some pics for ME - which I miss....so here's a few....ok a bunch....trying to catch up from being a bad blogger..haah

Here's my son and his ho...seriously.My son and his HO!

Eddie crusing the yard in his diaper..so cute.


Not sure what Eddie was doing here but it was funny...playing-in-the-yard-4

Anthony & Edwin playing ball....playing-in-the-yard-3

Edwin kept wanting to go up our front steps so Grandma sat there trying to block him...it didn't really work...lolplaying-in-the-yard-5



And then Edwin's Daddy got home and he was soo happy...


Grandma got a bike a couple of weeks ago and our street is just a little bit safer to ride it on so it stays here...last night Ed took Edwin for a mini cruise on it..


Then Ed decided to show us his tricks...


Finally...my handsome boy...outside playing in the yard..being a boy...



Diana said...

Yay!!!!!! I love love love the pictures! Especially the second one...of just my sweet boy in his diaper. I had a blast last night just hanging out. Even though Edwin wore me out, it was still pretty relaxing. And who knew my husband could do tricks on a bike?

Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

I love those photos too. Looks like Edwin and Anthony keep you all entertained! They're so special.

Maybe it's the missing tooth or maybe it's wishful thinking...but Anthony looks taller to me. Thunder Canyon, here we come!

Gigi said...

What a great night for you all! Looks like you had a lot of fun!

Jenny- Garek could ride on thunder canyon last year, so Anthony should definately be tall enough!!

Life Glimpsed: The Denglers said...

yay for family pictures - i've missed seeing your shots of the family. i love these. i want some of those of edwin - man he has some pretty blue eyes ;) and how BIG is anthony!!! wow. doesn't it seem like just yesterday when anthony "taught" edwin how to roll over? ;)