Monday, September 17, 2007

Where does the time go?!?

I hate blogging without having a picture to accompany it...but it will be at least another 24 hours before that is possible so I figured I'd at least post an update...

I had to just pull up my blog to see what I had posted last...geez...what a blog slacker....ok let's see....last time I updated was last Tuesday.....on Wed, Mom & I went to a thing at church that lasted until by the time I got home I was worn out.... On Thursday we went out to eat with Mom & Dad after work and then ran a couple of errands...I also went to the doctor..finally. Some of you probably know that my low back has been bothering me for the last 6+ weeks....I kept thinking it would go away but it kept getting to make a long story leg problems have now created a low back problem (from limping etc), so they gave me some muscle relaxers for the muscle spasms and I start physical therapy again tomorrow. If it's not better in a month they'll do an MRI. Hopefully it will get better quickly....because I'll have to go to PT 2-3 times a week which means leaving work early.....which means working through my lunch hour..which means...missing my gym time :-( On Friday Anthony has T-ball practice at 6pm....when we got there we found out they were actually having a scrimmage....they did so good!! We had been practicing with Anthony during the week at home and he did so much better. He even scored a run! Such a proud mommy moment. On Saturday, Diana had to work OT for a few hours so Edwin spent the day with us...we went to Boodles w/Mom and Dad and then went to the mall for a while before T-ball practice at 3....Diana met us over was the sun it was probably 90 today we were happy to wake up to 60 degrees...woo hooo....although I think it's about 75 right now (but that is heaven compared to the last 2 months)....yesterday a.m. we took care of Edwin again (love it!) and then relaxed.....and finally, the reason I can't post tonight is because Brian and I have to work the concessions at the baseball park....parents have to do it once a season...tonight's the first night of the season so at least we'll get ours out of the way first. Anthony's first game is this Thursday - can't wait.

That's it for now....only 30 min left of work..yippeee.....hopefully I'll get some pics posted tomorrow night....


Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

Go Tony!! He scored a run! I'm such a proud Auntie. You'll have to take photos at his first game.

jody lynn said...

It's so great that you get to see Edwin a lot! We miss Gav and Garek so much!! The filter is a starlight filter.