Monday, September 24, 2007

Laughter is the best medicine....

These boys sure keep us laughing......the first 2 pics were yesterday morning when we babysat Edwin....first I couldn't get Anthony to quit sticking his tongue out and the next thing you know, Edwin has his tongue hanging out.

The next few were from tonight...Diana and Edwin came over for dinner and he needed a bath so we plunked him in the sink...he loved it and of course we had to get a few pics...

After dinner we got Edwin dressed in his jammies and then Diana and I were just playing w/him on my bed....Brian and Anthony came in there after a few minutes and they got a box of halloween decorations out (they can't wait).....they were decorations that Diana and I had bought together way back when in our single days (haha) when we had costume parties at our apartment.....we found this rubber hand and Diana in her "infinite wisdom" (her words) decided to give Edwin the rubber hand.....of course...he started chewing on it...he's a baby...they chew on everything..Diana and I could not stop laughing.....we had tears streaming down our faces and I think Diana almost peed her pants..haha...

Finally, after all that..we look outside and Anthony is helping Brian decorate the yard his tshirt and one sock and shoes...and that's underwear....huh?!?!

1 comment:

jody lynn said...

That is too funny. I laughed out loud and scared Ian!!!