Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's a bird, it's a's Anthony!

Here is my baby, flying through the air (ok, so it's a little dramatic, but he did so good!) Today at the end of swimming class they got to jump off the diving boards. We'll see if he'll go off the big one tomorrow. So once again, excuse the crappy, grainy pics....


Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

Was someone catching him in the water? I can't believe he can already jump into the deep end!!

When you guys visit us again, Dave and Anthony will have to have cannonball competitions to see who can make the biggest splash.

Gigi said...

Hmm..cannonball between Anthony and Dave? Let me predict the outcome...

Anthony is doing great!

Katie said...

LOL; you two are cracking me up! There was another instructor in the water but he didn't catch Anthony...he just jumped right in..oh and did I mention where he was jumping it was into 17 feet of water?!? I don't know that I'd do that..haha....

Diana said...

Those are so awesome!!!!! I'm sad they didn't do the diving boards when mom & I came over at lunch. Maybe we can sneak over there again next week :)

Megan said...

oh how fun! looks like he is having a blast and I remember swimming lessons being VERY tiring... but then again after we got done with our lessons we went to the outside pool and played all day! next time I come visit, Anthony will be able to swim with me in the ocean!! we are already looking at tickets..haha
oh and ps when are my pictures getting put up!! haha