Monday, October 1, 2007

Our little beach vacation

Gotta make this quick because I have work waiting for me and it's almost 9pm....uggh....

We took a little vacation down to Carolina Beach (yes that's like 10 miles away...haha) but the family that owns Brian's work has a condo down there that they let us use for the weekend....on Thursday we took the day off and kept Edwin because Ed was out of town and on Friday we went to the condo.....we went to the beach and went swimming and out to dinner and then watched "Flushed Away".....

On Saturday....Mom and Dad came down and we took the Ferry to Southport where we met Diana and Edwin at Provisions for a late lunch (YUM)....after lunch we went to get ice cream and Edwin had his first taste...he loved it.....then Diana had to go down to Myrtle Beach to help out Ed at work and attend the wedding reception for a coworker so Edwin went home w/us on the ferry (Grandma & Grandpa kept him over night for her).....we all went swimming at the condo - including Edwin!! Another first for him......then we went out for pizza that night...watched another movie and came home Sunday...back to work today..

Well gotta run..but here's a few pics....

1 comment:

Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

Edwin's blue eyes look sooooo amazing! What awesome photos. It sounds like you had a good weekend at the beach.