Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Back to the ball park....

Last night we had another T-ball game. So far they had won all of their games and their scrimmage….not last night….they got beat by the Yankees! They don’t keep official score in T-ball, but you can still count the runs and we definitely didn’t have as many as the other team….oh well…can’t win them all! The kids just weren’t feelin it last night….

Diana had a hair appointment after work (long story….most likely she’ll have it on her blog w/her new ‘do’ sometime today)….so I picked Edwin up from daycare after work and brought him to the ballgame with us, where we met Brian, Anthony, Mom & Dad. After the game (Diana still wasn’t back)…we went to our house for some yummy roast beef, potatoes, carrots & onions….brian put them in the crockpot at 8am so it was nice and tender by 7pm…Edwin made sure that he got some food too….if you’re eating and he’s not, he’s not pleased, so he has some carrots..after dinner Diana still wasn’t back so we gave Edwin a bath and there weren’t any PJs in Edwin’s diaper bag so I went out to the storage building and found some of Anthony’s old ones….so cute…..so we dressed him in jimmies..gave him a bottle and he was out….Diana got home a little after 9….we chatted for a little bit while she ate and then they left….I edited a couple pics and then it was time for bed and now I’m back at work..oh joy!

The above are a couple pics of my handsome boy from last night!

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