Monday, April 7, 2008

From Top to Bottom...

Well it's mom has spoiled my son. Not that that's a bad thing..haha. When Anthony got out of the tub tonight he brought me some baby lotion (for Edwin) and said, "mommy, can you rub my feet like Grandma does?" How could I turn that down? Ever since Anthony was a baby, he routinely would take baths at Grandma's house and she would lotion him up afterwards. When he was a tiny tiny baby, she would always give him foot rubs...well apparently he still likes it! Then when I was rubbing his feet he said, "How come you're not doing it like Grandma does it?" Well, I don't know how Grandma does Grandma....I think when we come to your house for dinner tomorrow night you get foot rub duty...I'll be sure to bring some pjs so he can get a bath and be nice and clean...:) (He was in the tub for about an hour so that's why his feet are so wrinkly!)

Then since I had the camera out, I just thought I'd take a pic of his gorgeous eye did he get so lucky???

Well I'm super excited...tomorrow a.m. I have a shoot w/a 1yr old (although he's pretty fast!) and then tomorrow afternoon I'm doing my first senior shoot! I called our friend Carmen who I have known since she was 10 (and is now a senior)....and asked her if I could take her to lunch and then go around town and take some pics of her to use as examples on my website....I told her I'd give her some prints and she was all for it. She's also an Azalea Belle this year....Wilmington is the home of the NC Azalea festival every year and so she'll get to wear a big poofy pretty dress, so we're going to take some pics of her in that too....there will be some pics on my blog tomorrow night of both fun fun...I love my life!!!!!!!! Thank you God for giving me this opportunity!!


Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

That is a gorgeous photo of Anthony and his eyelashes.

Have fun tomorrow!!

Gigi said...

Why do boys get those eyelashes?! Both Gavin and Garek like foot rubs as well! Have fun on the photo shoot!