Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

It's that time again...halloween!! On Saturday, we went to the annual Sun Coast Cruisers Cruise In at Arbys.....Brian won best costume 3 years in a row.....!! My husband is quite impressive with a few boxes....he came up with this idea on Friday night...we went and got some boxes and within an hour or two he had this made!

The next picture is of Anthony...he is the Blue Power's very important to get the "blue" in there...apparently the blue PR is the leader...Anthony refused to let me take his picture on Saturday night so I was glad to find that Brian brought home the polaroid pic that they took of Anthony at the fall festival at his preschool on Friday night....he won 2nd place in the costume contest!

And last but not least...there is Pappy...a.k.a. the Sun GHOST Cruiser....cute huh?

Tonight we're going to do some trick or treating in the neighborhood and then I think we might go with Diana to a Trunk or Treat at her church...

Tball ended last night - it was so much fun and such a great season, but I think we're all glad it's over and we get our evenings back again...(to post blog entries?!?)

Love to you all and stay safe on this spoooooky Halloween!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

So cute...

I was just looking through some pics I took today and I just love this one...I hope Diana & Ed like it too :)

Another weekend...another pumpkin patch

Just a quick picture from the Pumpkin Patch today...this is the one we usually go's at a church close to our house and they always have lots n lots of pumpkins (unlike the one last weekend where they were all spread out)....Anthony insisted on holding Edwin a couple of different times...

We have tball tomorrow night and tuesday night and it's Mom's bday tomorrow so I probably won't get to post again until the middle of the week...I know I've been a bit of a blog slacker lately but it's because I've been extremely busy with a big event at work (I'll post more about that later)....

Have a great week everyone and Happy Birthday, Mom!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Our Day at the Farm....

So yesterday we went to this place called Mike's's about an hour away in the country....they have a restaurant (the old farm house) shop, petting zoo, an old barn where "cowboy earl" sang songs to the kids....there was a hayride out to the pumpkin was really fun. Diana and Edwin went along w/Brian, Anthony & I....we got there at about 2pm because earlier in the day we went to Aunt Kathy & Uncle Donnie's (Uncle Donnie had to look at Diana's car for her - he saved Diana about $500 so that started the day off great)... Ginger was in town so we got to see her and her little preggo belly and Angie and Harry were there too. We haven't been over there for a while so it was nice to see them and they loved seeing Edwin & Anthony....
At the farm we had a great day..the weather was gorgeous and on the way back from the pumpkin patch (on the hay ride)....Edwin fell asleep on me....I of course loved it! We went to Jacksonville to Red Lobster for dinner after the farm (we don't have Red Lob in Wilmington)...and we got home around 7:30pm last night....a long day but it was great...I'm so glad that Diana (and her boys) live here....I can't imagine life without them close by....I wish Mom and Dad had been able to go but we'll hit the local "pumpkin patch" one day this week....
Now we just need Jenny & Dave to move down here and life will be perfect :)

Here's a few of the pics from our day....

Fun Weekend

We had a great weekend....Mom and Dad went out of town for a wedding (in Hickory), so after work on Friday we went with Diana and Edwin to eat and then we went to Michaels for a little bit...I love friday nights because I actually relax a little bit knowing I have 2 whole days off before going back to work....

Before we went to dinner, Diana wanted to have me take a picture of Edwin in this cute little track suit from Aunt Annie....before we knew turned into a little impromptu photo are some of my favorites....(how could any of them be bad...look at the subject..haha)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fall is Here!!

I'm so excited that fall is finally here....we had a beautiful day here today....right at about 73 degrees...we took a little road trip about an hour away to a place called Mike's Farm (out in the country). We took a hay ride to the pumpkin patch - it was so fun. I'll write more later and add more pics, but here's a couple from our day.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Back to the ball park....

Last night we had another T-ball game. So far they had won all of their games and their scrimmage….not last night….they got beat by the Yankees! They don’t keep official score in T-ball, but you can still count the runs and we definitely didn’t have as many as the other team….oh well…can’t win them all! The kids just weren’t feelin it last night….

Diana had a hair appointment after work (long story….most likely she’ll have it on her blog w/her new ‘do’ sometime today)….so I picked Edwin up from daycare after work and brought him to the ballgame with us, where we met Brian, Anthony, Mom & Dad. After the game (Diana still wasn’t back)…we went to our house for some yummy roast beef, potatoes, carrots & onions….brian put them in the crockpot at 8am so it was nice and tender by 7pm…Edwin made sure that he got some food too….if you’re eating and he’s not, he’s not pleased, so he has some carrots..after dinner Diana still wasn’t back so we gave Edwin a bath and there weren’t any PJs in Edwin’s diaper bag so I went out to the storage building and found some of Anthony’s old ones….so cute… we dressed him in jimmies..gave him a bottle and he was out….Diana got home a little after 9….we chatted for a little bit while she ate and then they left….I edited a couple pics and then it was time for bed and now I’m back at work..oh joy!

The above are a couple pics of my handsome boy from last night!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Monday, October 1, 2007

Our little beach vacation

Gotta make this quick because I have work waiting for me and it's almost 9pm....uggh....

We took a little vacation down to Carolina Beach (yes that's like 10 miles away...haha) but the family that owns Brian's work has a condo down there that they let us use for the weekend....on Thursday we took the day off and kept Edwin because Ed was out of town and on Friday we went to the condo.....we went to the beach and went swimming and out to dinner and then watched "Flushed Away".....

On Saturday....Mom and Dad came down and we took the Ferry to Southport where we met Diana and Edwin at Provisions for a late lunch (YUM)....after lunch we went to get ice cream and Edwin had his first taste...he loved it.....then Diana had to go down to Myrtle Beach to help out Ed at work and attend the wedding reception for a coworker so Edwin went home w/us on the ferry (Grandma & Grandpa kept him over night for her).....we all went swimming at the condo - including Edwin!! Another first for him......then we went out for pizza that night...watched another movie and came home Sunday...back to work today..

Well gotta run..but here's a few pics....

We won!

Well, I wasn't actually out there playing...but Anthony's team, the Cardinals won their game tonight....they did so great!! Anthony is so lucky to have such great coaches and the kids on his team are all so cute....we love baseball nights...we have another game this Thursday. The Grandparents came out so I took the opportunity to get a pic......